Fill out the form below and find out, in under 30 seconds, if your vehicle can be "lemoned".

Let Us Help You.

No Fee Unless We Get You a Refund!

Free Case Evaluation

Find out in just 30 seconds whether you qualify for protection under the lemon laws in California. Just fill out the form below and an attorney will contact you to discuss you options!

1. How long ago did you purchase or lease your vehicle?
2. Tell us about your vehicle:
3. Was the vehicle new when you purchased or leased it?
4. How many times did you take the vehicle for repairs since you purchased or leased it?
5. Describe the Issues that you are experiencing with the vehicle
6. Tell us a bit about yourself

Office Location:

5850 Canoga Avenue, 4th Floor

Woodland Hills, CA 91367


* is a subsidiary of Katz Law, APC

Never settle for less.
Hire a lemon law lawyer who will

fight for you. listen to you. get you results. 

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